Showing 19–28 of 28 results

UK National Park Postcodes

This instant download contains all circa. 1,791,294 Postcodes and associated National Parks (13).  Postcodes within the file are updated quarterly to ensure they remain current, and our clients receive an inclusive complete refresh every three months as part of the...

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UK National Park Postcodes

UK Postcode Grid References, XY Coordinates, Northings Eastings, Longitudes Latitudes

This instant download contains every UK Postcode (circa. 1,791,296 Postcodes) and the Postcode's  associated X & Y Coordinate as well as their Longitude & Latitude. In addition, we include a list of circa. 892,441 'Retired' postcodes that are no longer...

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UK Postcode Grid References, XY Coordinates, Northings Eastings, Longitudes Latitudes

UK Postcode Sector Boundaries

This instant download shows geographic polygons by Postcode Sectors, Districts and Areas in the UK.  The product  requires the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) such as MapInfo, Arc Info, or Google Maps to view the boundaries. File formats...

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UK Postcode Sector Boundaries

UK Postcode Sector, District & Area Property Counts (Residential & Business)

This instant download contains three product files, with circa. 11,248 Postcode Sectors e.g. 'OX7 5' (file 1), 2,979 Postcode Districts e.g. 'OX7' (file 2) and 125 Postcode Areas e.g. 'OX' (file 3), aligned to a count showing the number of...

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UK Postcode Sector, District & Area Property Counts (Residential & Business)

UK Postcode to County Names (Traditional, Administrative & Ceremonial)

This instant download contains all UK (circa. 1,791,295) Postcodes associated to a Traditional County name, Administrative County name, and Ceremonial County name. The product has been built using government body data including the Office for National Statistics (ONS), Royal Mail...

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UK Postcode to County Names (Traditional, Administrative & Ceremonial)

UK Postcode to International Territorial Levels (ITL) replacing Nomenclature Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS)

This instant download contains circa. 1,791,294 Postcode to International Territorial Levels (ITL), formerly Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS).   The ITLs mirror the NUTS system.  Postcodes within the file are updated quarterly to ensure they remain current, and...

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UK Postcode to International Territorial Levels (ITL) replacing Nomenclature Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS)

UK Postcode to Locality Names

This instant download contains every UK postcode, and where applicable, the Localities featured within Royal Mail's Postcode Address File (PAF).  Specifically featuring both "Postal Required" and "Postal Not Required" Locality names, Post Town names, X & Y Coordinates, and Latitude...

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UK Postcode to Locality Names

UK Postcode to Post Town Names

This instant download contains all UK Postcodes (circa. 1,791,296) and all UK (circa. 1,485) Town Names, as well as the Postcode's Grid Reference (X&Y Coordinate, and Lat Long).  The Comma Separate Variable (CSV) file is updated quarterly to ensure postcodes...

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UK Postcode to Post Town Names

UK Postcodes to Administrative Wards / Electoral Divisions / Zones

An instant download containing every UK Postcode and Administrative Wards which are the key to seeing how Government and Local Authorities divide the UK. This database is an essential file to relate residential and business addresses to Administrative Geographic Areas. Postcode...

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UK Postcodes to Administrative Wards / Electoral Divisions / Zones

UK Residential & Business Postcode Property Counts

This instant download analyses every known delivery point / address in the UK (circa. 32 million) found within Royal Mail's Postcode Address File (PAF), and provides a postcode breakdown representing these addresses.  The output consists of circa 1.8 million postcodes...

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UK Residential & Business Postcode Property Counts

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