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2024 UK Postcode to Parliament Constituencies (Post 4th July 2024)

This instant download contains all UK Postcodes (circa. 1.9 million) and the Postcode's associated Parliamentary Constituencies (since the General Election 4th July 2024) showing the Westminster, Scottish Parliamentary, Northern Ireland, Stormont (NI) Constituencies and the Alternative Constituencies for Welsh Assembly....

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2024 UK Postcode to Parliament Constituencies (Post 4th July 2024)

UK Postcodes to Administrative Wards / Electoral Divisions / Zones

An instant download containing every UK Postcode and Administrative Wards which are the key to seeing how Government and Local Authorities divide the UK. This database is an essential file to relate residential and business addresses to Administrative Geographic Areas. Postcode...

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UK Postcodes to Administrative Wards / Electoral Divisions / Zones

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